Create a New Workflow

Workflows are simply the rules for how ideas are submitted, surfaced, tracked and implemented on your Ideawake platform.

Step One - Create a Workflow

Workflows are simply the rules for how ideas are submitted, surfaced, tracked and implemented on your Ideawake platform. Each workflow contains stages, which are customizable steps that submitted ideas go through as they are submitted, evaluated, and put into action. 


Step Two - Add Stages to Your Workflow 

Stages are customizable steps that submitted ideas go through as they are submitted, evaluated, and put into action. 


Understanding Stage Action Types 

Each stage allows you to assign specific stakeholders to complete specific actions. 

No Action 

No action stages function as holding stages to store and track ideas. 


Create custom criteria to evaluate ideas on to determine their potential.


Collect additional information about ideas using custom fields.

NoAction Stage

Scorecarding Stage Refinement Stage
Create a No Action Stage Create a Scorecard Stage Create a Refinement Stage