How to create automation to change stage of an idea with multiple pathways based on ascore

*Note: You must be an administrator or moderator to perform this action

Click on the gear icon in the top right hand corner of your screen

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Navigate down to 'automation' from the drop down menu

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This will open up your automation suite. To create a new automation, click on the 'create automation' button

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Name your automation

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Click on 'set automation trigger' button

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A pop out menu on the right hand side will appear. Click on the current challenge option

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Click save changes once you have the challenge selected. You will then click the plus icon to create the multiple pathways 

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The pop-out menu on the right hand side will appear. Click on create multiple pathways

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Name your first pathway and select the 'Total Score or Stage Score ' option from the list of options.

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 2.02.14 PMYou will then need to complete the first pathway criteria with your specific requirements. Click on 'save changes' to create your first pathway. 

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 2.02.26 PMClick on 'add another pathway' to add your other paths following the steps above and click save changes when complete

Screenshot 2023-12-12 at 2.05.08 PMYour new paths will then display on the automation builder page. Click on the + signs to add an action for each pathway. For example, we want all these ideas that meet 70 or above to go into the implementation stage of our workflow. 

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Select change stage on the pop out menu for each path and select the stage you want the ideas to flow into

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Once you're set with your automation, click on 'review and activate'

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