- Ideawake Knowledgebase
- Challenge Management
- Challenge Management
Enable or Disable Star Ratings on Ideas in a Challenge
*Note: You will need to be logged in as administrator at the community or challenge level to complete this action
Go to the challenge you'd like to enable star ratings for by clicking on the challenge title link
Click on the 'edit' button on the right hand side.
Navigate down to 'Edit Settings'.
A pop-up will appear. Navigate to 'Collaboration Settings on Submissions' section. Click on the button to enable star ratings.
Settings will appear. Enter the instructions, select your commenting and visibility settings, as well as the icon of your choice. Click 'save changes' once complete.
To see star ratings in action, you will need to open up an existing idea and go to the 'about' tab. You will see the enable star ratings section on the right hand side of the screen.
Rate your idea by clicking on the number of stars you'd like to rate the idea and a comment box will also appear. Click submit review when done.
Your star rating will appear as seen in the image below