Edit Challenge Audience, Details, Settings, Navigation or Workflow

Edit challenge audience, details or workflow

*Note: You must be an administrator or moderator to perform this action

Click on the challenge title you want to edit the audience, details or workflow for

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Edit Audience

If you are an admin, you will see the 'edit challenge' button on the righthand side. Click on 'Edit Challenge' and select 'edit audience' from the drop down menu

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This will open the modal to edit the challenge audience.

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Make your changes to your audience and click on 'save changes' button when you are finished

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Edit Details

Click on 'Admin' and select 'edit details' from the drop down menu

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Make the necessary changes to your challenge details and click on 'save changes' button in green when ready.

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Edit Settings

Click on 'Edit Challenge' and select 'edit settings' from the drop down menu

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Make the desired updates/changes and click the green save changes button when complete

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Edit Workflow

Click on 'Edit Challenge' and select 'edit workflow' from the drop down menu

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The modal to edit the challenge will open and display your current workflow

Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 3.12.35 PMSelect the workflow from the drop down menu you would like to update your workflow to

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Your challenge workflow will update on the screen. To save your update, click on the green 'save changes' buttonScreen Shot 2022-05-16 at 3.13.07 PM

Edit Navigation

Click on 'Edit Challenge' and select 'Edit Navigation' from the drop down menu

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Drag and drop the different navigation pages in your preferred order and click on save changes when ready

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